
Monday, April 9, 2012

Bootcamp & A Hoppy Weekend

Happy Monday! I am so happy to be back in Austin as I type this post, but a weekend in Houston with my family is just what the doctor ordered. School is seriously tough this semester and a break from the craziness that is Austin is always welcome. It was a wonderful holiday weekend, but as usual, it went by way too fast. I was tempted to stay just one more night, but I have a few obligations here - such as the first day of SRD bootcamp, oh and that little thing called class. I also really needed to get some school work done as this is quite a busy week for me. Two papers, plus two more due next week, no less than 425 pages to read, and I am anticipating another astronomy quiz. I mean really, it would be just my luck with that class! I am hoping this week will be very productive, so once I finish this blog post, it is back to work I go!


What did I do with my three-day weekend? Eat, sleep, and bake. Seriously. I also did a whole lot of lounging, with a couple workouts thrown in to the mix. The 4 the Park run went really well for me, even though I got a cramp about two miles in - hey, no pain, no gain, right? I am always more motivated to run if I have some sort of race to challenge me, although the early hour always makes me consider just turning off my alarm and going back to sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and my sweet dad drove me down there so I wouldn't have to worry about parking - he is the best! After my run, I quickly got to work in the kitchen where I baked up these masterpieces:
Easter Rice Krispie Treats - recipe courtesy of PBFingers!
Reese's Stuffed Brownies 
The finished product!
Brownie-Mix cookies with pretzel m&m's
Cake batter funfetti cookie
I took a Berripop break with one of my good friends from high school, Amira, and we sat there for almost two hours catching up and remembering the good old high school volleyball days. We also decided that next March (2013), I will travel to New Orleans to run the New Orleans Rock n' Roll half-marathon with her. I have always wanted to do one of the rock n' roll marathon series, and it would be even better to do it with her! I am already excited and it is 11 months away!
The guy even gave me a little extra - definitely made my day!
It was so nice to see her, as she goes to LSU and I don't get to see her very often, so it was great to be able to catch up!

Amira and I - senior year!
I also got to hang out with these goobers on Friday night as we drove around aimlessly before ending up at McDonald's, where we just sat in a booth, talking and hanging out. Sometimes the most spontaneous times are the best times!

Sam, me, Emily, and Seth
Bootcamp + Breakfast

This morning was the first morning of Bootcamp! I signed up for bootcamp through SRD which meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 6:30-7:30am. Yes, 6:30am. I groaned a little bit when my alarm clock went off this morning. However, it was worth it. I was a little skeptical, because I tend to like my workouts, but I think this will be great, working muscles that I wouldn't normally work out on my own. We completed "laps" around SRD, with bear crawls, plie lunges, backward bear crawls, frog jumps, plank to inch-worm (seriously so tough!), and backward lunges. We also did quite a bit of running and let's not forget that there are quite a few hills in Austin. We rounded out the morning with some ab-work and I did a little bit of time on the elliptical before hitting the shower and going down to breakfast - scrambled eggs and yogurt with granola, so typical! Enjoy this beautiful Monday!

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