
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back In Austin

I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Saturday! Mine has been great - I started out in Houston, and now I am sitting in my bedroom in the Clubhouse as I type this post.

I woke up around 7:45am, ate my usual egg white breakfast, took my car to the shop (again), went on a morning walk around my neighborhood, and then hit up the MAC for a light swim before my triathlon on Monday. After lunch and some laundry, I began the two-and-a-half hour drive to Austin. I hit a little bit of rain part of the way there, but other than that, it was a really easy drive.

I arrived back in Austin around 5:15pm, immediately started unloading my car and unpacking everything I brought back with me to Austin. If I don't do it right away, I will simply live out of my duffle bags. For this short of a trip, that wouldn't be so bad, but it's always nicer when our room is neat, without a ton of things cluttering our floor.

After catching up with the roommates that were home, I got back in my car and drove in the direction of the Whole Foods downtown. I hadn't been there in over a month, so it was the perfect thing to satisfy my hunger. I opted for the grilled salmon, with broccoli and green beans on the side.

I high-tailed it back to my car so that I could drive out to Pennybacker Bridge to eat my dinner and watch the sunset. I was in absolute awe of the view, and it was the perfect welcome back to Austin.

"The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders.."
P.S. Remember how I told you I would be back with a new Houston restaurant review? It happened to be closed for repair on the very day I was hoping to go. Just my luck, but I am hoping to make a trip there next week. Stay tuned!

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