
Monday, December 9, 2013

My PPR Experience

Happy Monday! Though I can't breathe a sigh of relief quite yet, I checked one huge item off of my list today - my PPR, or the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-12 exam. It took place bright and early at 8:00 this morning, and it feels nice to (almost) be free. I am just finishing up the revisions on my final essay for my literary studies class, and then I will be home free! Thankfully, I am pretty nearly done with the essay, so I am hoping to have that turned in in the next day or two.

But I'm going to give myself a little break from school, and spend the rest of today reading, watching movies, and preparing a little birthday surprise. But first, let's continue in the normal fashion.


I woke up multiple times last night - once at 12:30am, again at 2:00am, two hours later at 4:00am, and once more at 5:00am, and I never fully fell back asleep. I think I was so worried about sleeping through my eight alarms that I never got into a very deep sleep. I felt rested, though, when I finally decided to listen to my growling stomach and get up to make breakfast a little before 6:00am, and I took my sweet time making breakfast and getting ready. Not that it took me too long to get ready. My definition of dressing for success is yoga pants and my usual bun on top of my head. Comfort before style, am I right?

Anyway, I scrambled up some egg whites and spinach (it's been a while since I've posted this picture), and enjoyed some sliced strawberries on the side. I also ate a couple of cuties and headed out the door a little before 7:00 this morning. 

The testing center was all of 10 minutes away, but I had to allow time for taking a wrong turn (I didn't let myself down on that one), and we were supposed to be there no later than 7:30am. Plus, if you guys have learned anything from reading this blog, it's that I would much rather be early than be running late. To quote one of my best guys, William Shakespeare, "better three hours too soon than a minute too late."

One of my roommates was also taking the exam this morning, and we quickly found five other classmates who were also taking it. We each grabbed a clipboard and filled out a statement that basically said we are who we say we are (it had to be in cursive - so reminiscent of the SAT days), and they were ready to get us set up at our work station. I knew it was going to be a good morning when the test administrator said she was going to start from the end of the alphabet to make up for all the times we are made to be last, so I got to start the test first. That was actually really great for me because it makes me anxious when other people start a test before I do. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I've always been that way, so I fully plan on implementing a system that doesn't permit any student to begin a test until every student has one.

This 100-question test took me about an hour and a half to complete, and I will admit that my first time through, I was a little worried about all of the answers that I had "marked" to go back over (which, by the way, is a really neat system that makes it extremely easy to go back and look at the questions that were giving your trouble), but once I took a second look at those questions, I felt pretty confident about most of my answers. To me, the test felt different than any of the practice tests I took, but I still left the testing center with a pretty good feeling. Let's hope it holds true!


I got back to the Clubhouse around 9:45am, where I basically just lounged around before driving two of my roommates to campus so they could study, and then driving myself on over to the gym for a 12:00 cycling class. Today's class was one that left me nice and sweaty (as always), because we did a lot of "attacking" on hills, which is essentially speed work with a pretty high load of resistance. Sprint work combined with a high resistance is really one of my least favorite things to do on the bike, so I'm glad I was made to do a lot of it today. It may be Monday, but you can still get in a great workout.


After a quick shower, I heated up the remains of my pineapple chicken and vegetable dish, and ate that alongside a bowl of carrots and celery and some sundried and tomato basil hummus. Not a bad post-workout meal if I do say so myself!

And now I'm off to do nothing productive on this drizzly Monday. Hope you are staying warm, wherever you are!

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