
Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Run Back

And my first week is officially in the books. I am loving the fact that I have a four-day weekend every weekend. It's my last semester to take advantage of such a thing because on the days that I don't have class next semester I'll be at my school, and my second semester will feature me at a high school from 7am to 4pm. So I'd say I deserve my schedule this semester!

I know I posted this morning before I left for class, but I didn't get a chance to post about my breakfast, which was sort of a new-to-me breakfast. When I lived at SRD, there were so many breakfast choices, and scrambled eggs and egg whites were available every morning. The egg whites grew on me, and I started eating them pretty frequently. When I moved out of SRD, I no longer ate egg whites, mainly because I didn't know how to make them. Well, one of my roommates told me about liquid egg whites and I finally got a chance to give them a try this morning. Next time I make them, which will probably be tomorrow, I will make more of them, but today was kind of a trial run. I put the stove on medium heat and put about four tablespoons of the liquid egg whites into a pan. I sort of mixed them up a bit and "lifted" them off the pan until they became the scrambled egg whites that I know and love. I threw in a handful of spinach and let that cook, too. Any excuse to get in a few vegetables! Throw all of that in a bowl, top it with salsa, and enjoy it alongside a honeycrisp apple and peanut butter. You won't regret it.

When I was biking home from class, all bundled up in leggings, a sweatshirt, and tall socks so that none of my leg would be exposed to the cold, I realized just how warm and beautiful it was outside. My toe was still hurting, but I thought I could handle a run. I just couldn't stand the thought of being cooped up in a smelly gym when it was my favorite weather outside. I grabbed my headphones and headed in the direction of Mueller Park, which some of y'all might recognize from my Sunday night adventure.

My run felt great. I ran for approximately 41 minutes, and though my toe is feeling a bit sore at the current moment, at some point I am just going to have to suck it up and run. I loved running around the lake as well as through the surrounding neighborhood, and if I end up staying in Austin after I graduate, I know where I want to live. These houses were town homes, but it felt like a true neighborhood, and running through my neighborhood in Houston is one of my very favorite things to do. It felt great to get out there and run, and I am hoping my toe won't hate me too much so I can do it again tomorrow or at least this weekend. After all, I have a nine-mile race coming up, and I'd like to be able to train at least a little bit for it.

After a quick trip to Central Market, a shower, some baking and some cleaning, I prepared a new-ish dinner for myself. I had plans to go out for dinner and frozen yogurt with my Young Life team, but I am currently on the one month plan, in that, excluding birthdays, I am trying not to out for an entire month. It's quite the bummer because Austin has some of my favorite eating establishments, but I am really trying to learn the value of a dollar, and save up for some trips that I hopefully have in my future. 

The girls on the team
So, I sauteed some spinach and mushrooms over medium heat, threw in some pork loin that I purchased from Buc-ees last Sunday, and mixed it all together in one delicious bowl. I ate two of my newly-made banana-oatmeal-almond butter muffins, plus a handful of carob chips before heading out the door. Though I didn't get to eat anything, I still had a wonderful time hanging out and catching up with them.

And now I'm off to try and fit in a little homework. I'm really trying to stay on track so that my days of multiple tests don't sneak up on me! Happy almost Friday!

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